LMS Audit Remediation
AKoft’s LMS Audit Remediation service can provide invaluable assistance to its clients in preparing and managing the process of an Oracle LMS audit. We can provide assistance while preparing for an Oracle LMS Audit, as well as helping with any remediation work that might be necessary to make you Oracle LMS audit compliant.
We believe in the principle of “prevention is better than cure”. Therefore, please contact us as soon as you receive the audit letter from Oracle LMS. We can also offer a reassessment service after LMS audit has been completed. Our consultants have past records of achieving a better outcome for the clients with this reassessment process.
We can verify the outcome of the audit utilising our considerable expertise in this field, as well as recommending any remediation work that might be necessary. AKoft’s impartial remediation advice can assure an organisation that it’s resources and investments in Oracle products are most efficiently used.

Our goal of Oracle LMS Audit assistance work is to consistently deliver best-practice audit experiences to our clients. This is done by developing trusted working relationships with organisations and delivering an efficient audit preparation or remediation process that, upon completion, leaves our clients in a stronger position for the future. It’s an approach designed to inspire a more proactive form of license management and to help customers validate the effectiveness of their internal controls, and through them, to maintain a compliant position.